Category: Fotografía de Naturaleza y Vida Salvaje

  • Common Green Iguana

    Iguana iguana (Linnaeus, 1758) Habi­tat Green Igua­nas are ar­bo­real lizards that live high in the tree canopy. Ju­ve­niles es­tab­lish areas lower in the canopies while older ma­ture igua­nas re­side higher up. This tree dwelling habit al­lows them to bask in the sun, rarely com­ing down ex­cept when fe­males dig bur­rows to lay eggs. Al­though pre­fer­ring an…


    NATURE, LANDSCAPE & WILDLIFE PHOTOGRAPHY – WHAT IS THE BIG DIFFERENCE? HOW CAN WE DEFINE NATURE, LANDSCAPE, AND WILDLIFE PHOTOGRAPHY? Is there a big difference between these types of genres, nature landscape photography? Well, in my opinion, there is a difference, each belong in their own sub-categories. After doing some research, I found what I…

  • Rules NPOTY 2023

    Nature Photographer of the Year Contest 2023: from: Invitation Photo Contest The Nature Photographer of the Year Contest 2023 is open for nature photographers worldwide, both professional and non-professional, young and old. The competition for the category young photographers is open for youngsters who have not yet turned 18 on the June 4th, 2023.…

  • Nature and Wildlife Photography

    from Australian Photographic Society Last Updated: Wednesday, 22 December 2021 DEFINITION OF NATURE AND WILDLIFE PHOTOGRAPHY From 1 January 2022 the International Federation of Photographic Art (FIAP) and the Photographic Society of America (PSA) will use the following definition for Nature and Wildlife categories. This applies to all FIAP competitions and exhibitions with approval…

  • PSNZ Definitions

    from Photographic Society of New Zealand Definitions These definitions are used for exhibition and salon sections and eligibility for trophies associated with the Photographic Society of New Zealand (PSNZ) SONY National Exhibition and the PSNZ Honours Awards. An overriding requirement for any photograph to meet any of the definitions is that it must have…

  • Ethics & Codes of Conduct

    Photographic Society of New Zealand from: Ethics & Codes of Conduct Nature Code of Conduct When photographing nature subjects, there is always a certain amount of stress put on the subjects by the photographer. The Photographic Society of New Zealand (PSNZ) therefore has put together a series of principles for all members when they…


    This guide will be in effect for Photographic Society of America recognized Nature exhibitions with closing dates of 1 January 2022 or later. from: PSA STATEMENT ON SUBJECT MATTER The following statement applies to all images entered in all sections of PSA recognized exhibitions: The fundamental rule that must be observed at all times…

  • PSA Division Definitions

    These entries have been updated to apply to all Photographic Society of America recognized exhibitions in 2023, and for all internal PSA competitions with immediate effect. Desde: Statement on Subject Matter – applicable to all sections The fundamental rule that must be observed at all times and applies to all sections offered in exhibitions…

  • La utilización de hides en fotografia de naturaleza

    Los hides o escondites son estructuras o lugares ocultos que los fotógrafos de naturaleza utilizan para acercarse a la vida salvaje sin perturbarla y capturar imágenes más cercanas y auténticas. Los hides pueden ser construidos o naturales, y se utilizan como una herramienta para minimizar la interferencia humana en el comportamiento de los animales y…

  • Pautas éticas de la fotografía de naturaleza

    La fotografía de naturaleza implica la captura de imágenes de la vida salvaje y el entorno natural, y es importante seguir pautas éticas para minimizar el impacto en la vida silvestre y contribuir a su conservación. Aquí hay algunas pautas éticas importantes a tener en cuenta en la fotografía de naturaleza: En resumen, la ética…

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