Year: 2023
EA3CWK historia
INDICATIVOS UTILIZADOS PROPIOS EC3CWK desde 06/07/90 hasta 14/07/91EF3CC en WPX – SSB 1991. Indicativo especial utilizado en este concurso. 30/31 de marzo de 1991EA3CWK desde 15/07/91 hasta 31/12/1996EA3II 1996AM3CWK & AM25CWK indicativos especiales utilizados durante la celebración de los Juegos OlÃmpicos de Barcelona en el año 1992EA4IG desde agosto 2023Recuperado mi indicativo EA3CWK desde 22…
The Bown bear
The brown bear (Ursus arctos) is a large bear species found across Eurasia and North America. In North America, the populations of brown bears are called grizzly bears, while the subspecies that inhabits the Kodiak Islands of Alaska is known as the Kodiak bear. It is one of the largest living terrestrial members of the…
El oso pardo
El oso pardo (Ursus arctos) es una especie de oso grande que se encuentra en Eurasia y Norteamérica. En Norteamérica, se le llama oso grizzly y en las islas Kodiak de Alaska, oso Kodiak. Es uno de los osos terrestres más grandes, solo superado por su pariente cercano, el oso polar (Ursus maritimus), que es…
Eurasian brown bear
The Eurasian brown bear (Ursus arctos arctos) is one of the most common subspecies of the brown bear, and is found in much of Eurasia. It is also called the European brown bear, common brown bear, common bear, and colloquially by many other names. The genetic diversity of present-day brown bears (Ursus arctos) has been extensively studied over the years and appears to be geographically…
NATURE, LANDSCAPE & WILDLIFE PHOTOGRAPHY – WHAT IS THE BIG DIFFERENCE? HOW CAN WE DEFINE NATURE, LANDSCAPE, AND WILDLIFE PHOTOGRAPHY? Is there a big difference between these types of genres, nature landscape photography? Well, in my opinion, there is a difference, each belong in their own sub-categories. After doing some research, I found what I…
El oso pardo Euroasiático
El oso pardo euroasiático (Ursus arctos arctos) es una de las subespecies más comunes del oso pardo y se encuentra en gran parte de Eurasia. También se le conoce como oso pardo europeo, oso pardo común, oso común y coloquialmente por muchos otros nombres. La diversidad genética de los osos pardos actuales (Ursus arctos) ha…
Explorando las Cumbres de los Montes Cárpatos
Apreciando la fuerza vital del urogallo Es difÃcil describir con precisión la extraordinaria vivencia que experimenté recientemente. Nos aventuramos de nuevo hacia RumanÃa con la intención de admirar a los majestuosos osos en los montes Cárpatos, en el interior de Transilvania, pero el destino nos presentó una oportunidad irresistible: visitar un lek de urogallos. A…
Rules NPOTY 2023
Nature Photographer of the Year Contest 2023: from: Invitation Photo Contest The Nature Photographer of the Year Contest 2023 is open for nature photographers worldwide, both professional and non-professional, young and old. The competition for the category young photographers is open for youngsters who have not yet turned 18 on the June 4th, 2023.…
Nature and Wildlife Photography
from Australian Photographic Society Last Updated: Wednesday, 22 December 2021 DEFINITION OF NATURE AND WILDLIFE PHOTOGRAPHY From 1 January 2022 the International Federation of Photographic Art (FIAP) and the Photographic Society of America (PSA) will use the following definition for Nature and Wildlife categories. This applies to all FIAP competitions and exhibitions with approval…
PSNZ Definitions
from Photographic Society of New Zealand Definitions These definitions are used for exhibition and salon sections and eligibility for trophies associated with the Photographic Society of New Zealand (PSNZ) SONY National Exhibition and the PSNZ Honours Awards. An overriding requirement for any photograph to meet any of the definitions is that it must have…
- Código Ético Fonamad (18)
- Fonamad (3)
- FotografÃa CientÃfica (2)
- FotografÃa de Naturaleza y Vida Salvaje (15)
- Para saber más (6)
- Viajes (3)